I love to read books on the side as a hobby. I don't really review much, but I want to try. I'm a bit scared of it, but hopefully I will improve as I go.
I've distanced myself from books that revolve around mostly romance, which is mainly personal issues along. I found them to a bit unrealistic.
Fortunately, I actually consider this particular book to actually almost represent what its like to develop a crush and eventually fall in love. I don't really have much besides past crushes to relate this to, but its still really cute.
Anyway, this story revolves around two characters. One is Eleanor, who comes to back to a new school, and she lives in a abusive home. Basically, her stepfather is the big threat in her life. The other character is Park. I have a hard time describing him.
What was interesting, though, at points in the novel how the characters dealt with not conforming to society's gender expectations. For example,
That doesn't mean though that was amazing executed or anything (I'm not sure anyway). It doesn't mean its above every other novel. It was just an interesting add in and maybe makes one think.
Overall, this book was pretty good. Though, this story has a lot of pop culture references, some of which I picked up on and others was almost clueless. So if you don't understand something, Google may be your best buddy.